Trip for the Miao’s Dragon Festival in 2024

A full 16-day tour during the Dragon Boat Festival in  2024

Time: June 29- July12
1: Three minority festivals can be enjoyed.
2: Many authentic Miao, Dong and Shui villages on the visiting list.
3: Several types of Miao, Dong and  Shui costumes will be showed.
dragon-boat-01Day by Day Programs:

  • Day 1 (24/06)
    Arrivel in Guiyang
  • Day 2 (25/06)
    China-Guiyang: Pick up and transfer to the hotel in Kaili
  • Day 3 (26/06)
    Visit the Dragon-boat racing Festival
  • Day 4 (27/06)

Visit the Dragon-boat racing Festival

  • Day 5 (28/06)

China-Guiyang: Pick up and transfer to the hotel in Kaili

  • Day 6 (29/06)

Kaili-Shdong: Visit the Dragon-boat racing Festival

  • Day 7 (30/06)

Shidong: Enjoy the festival there!

  • Day 8 (14/07)

Shidong-JH: Enjoy the festival there (perhaps doing something else.)

  • Day 9 (15/07)

JH-Nangshao. Visiting JiuY Miao village and the rural market there.  Other short-skirt Miao villages as well.

  • Day10 (16/07)

NShao-LLi: Visiting Taiyo and Xdanjiang Miao villages,  PingY rural market.

  • Day11(17/07)

LLi-Zhaih: In the morning enjoying the rural market here. Then visiting Benl Dong village and KS ‘mini-skirt’ Cz ‘orange’ Miao villages. YD Dong village as well.

  • Day12 (18/07)

Zh-Lp: Visiting Enjoying the ‘Liu Yue Liu’ Festival.

  • Day 13 (19/07)xg12_副本xx

Zhxing: Visiting old town, Yandong, Sizhai Dong villages.

  • Day 14 (20/07)

Zhaoxing: Hiking through Tang’An and Shage to ZX Dong villages.

  • Day 15 (21/07)


  • Day 16 (22/07)women-sing
    Sand-KL: Visiting the Shui villages
  • Day 17 (23/07)
    KL-GuangX: By Bullet train!
